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Student Loan Forgiveness Canada Healthcare

Canada Student Loan Forgiveness: New Amendments and Eligibility for Family Doctors

Proposed Changes to Regulations

The Canada Student Financial Assistance Regulations (CSFAR) have proposed amendments that could significantly impact student loan forgiveness for family doctors.

Loan Forgiveness Period Extension

The loan forgiveness period would be extended from 12 months to one that is twice as long. This change is intended to provide family doctors with more time to complete their residencies and establish their practices.

Eligibility Requirements

To qualify for loan forgiveness under the proposed amendments, family doctors must: * Complete a residency program in family medicine accredited by the College of Family Physicians of Canada. * Practice as a licensed family doctor in an underserviced community for at least two years.

Impact on Student Loan Debt

The proposed amendments aim to reduce the financial burden of student loans for future family doctors. The extended loan forgiveness period and expanded eligibility criteria could potentially eliminate a significant portion of their student debt.

Benefits for Underserved Communities

The amendments are also expected to improve access to healthcare in underserved communities. By encouraging more medical graduates to pursue family medicine, the program aims to address the shortage of family doctors in these areas.

Application Process

Borrowers who wish to apply for loan forgiveness should monitor the National Student Loans Service Centre (NSLSC) website for further updates. Once the amendments are finalized, the application process and eligibility criteria will be officially announced.


The proposed amendments to the CSFAR represent a positive step towards reducing the financial barriers that prevent individuals from pursuing a career in family medicine. The extended loan forgiveness period and expanded eligibility criteria will provide financial support to future family doctors and help ensure that underserved communities have access to essential healthcare services.
