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Probably Haunted Old Turgeon Funeral Home For Sale

Probably Haunted: Old Turgeon Funeral Home for Sale

Millbury - A Massachusetts Property with a Spooky Past

Real Estate Broker Warns of Possible Hauntings

A unique property in Millbury, Massachusetts, is making headlines for its intriguing listing. The former Turgeon Funeral Home is now up for sale, and the real estate agent has included a significant detail in the description: "probably haunted."

The property, built in 1850, has witnessed countless events throughout its time as a funeral home. Now, real estate broker Erika Eucker has placed a sign outside the building that reads, "Probably Haunted." This unusual addition has sparked a flurry of interest and speculation.

Despite its ghostly reputation, the historic former funeral home has received multiple offers. The sale price has been set at $769,000, but potential buyers are advised to proceed with caution if they are afraid of the supernatural.
